Brett Talks Scars, Lego and Music (And Tips for Planning a Tattoo Sleeve)

Tattoo Story: Brett Kirsten
Brett started his tattoo sleeve with a flaming cue ball with his lucky number 4 at age 18 at the start of his adventure in the music industry. He has worked with bands like Tweak, The Parlotones, Prime Circle, Crash Car Burn and Jessie Clegg to name a few, but recently left his career as a stage manager after 15 years to join the SuperSport team as a Sports Editor. He still wears his heart proudly on his sleeve through his (nearly full) body art that celebrates his love of music and his delightfully colourful collection of artworks dedicated to legos and comics. Brett talks about planning a Tattoo Sleeve
Brett is fondly known as True Blue Professional Tattoo Studio's first client, and he has spent an estimated 100 hours in the chair with Meghan-Ann and we look forward to seeing him every month. Watch his story, and hear the advice that Brett has on planning a great tattoo sleeve:
Brett Talks Scars, Lego and Music (And Tips for Planning a Tattoo Sleeve)
Tattoo Artist: Meghan Ann Potgieter
He's pretty serious about being fun, check out his Instagram page @littlebrettylegolife.
Have you got a concept or an idea you need to be brought to life? The best approach is to find an artist you have great creative chemistry and let them create something special that represents you. Check out True Blue Tattoos artists, book online to make a consultation or chat with us on Facebook.