The work I to do!
Charl Richardson
MY STYLE AND VIBE (New variable)
Illustrative realism and graphic sketch work are my two most prominent styles. I draw influence from multiple forms of media such as traditional drawing, painting, airbrushing and classic fine art as well as digital painting and graphic design to name a few. I am fond of doing tattoos in both colour and black-and-grey. I enjoy uncommon projects, the type of work that isn’t considered average in thought and idea. Less will always be more to me as I favour quality above quantity. Everything has a meaning, but it is the discovery of that meaning that gives purpose. Art in itself is a living thing that is revealed between the artist and canvas with expertise, knowledge and creativity. The artwork already exists, it is my job to bring it into this world to experience.
THE BEGINNING (Hello world)
I have been drawn to the arts since early childhood. It has been my indulgence, obsession, fantasy and my escape. I obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree and a couple of higher diplomas in graphic design and multi-media, illustration, 3D modelling and rendering, visual communication, digital art, web development and photography - alongside their respective software certifications. I spent 10 years in the design and production industry where I added programming and animation to my repertoire.
THE NOW (void if {MySelf > Gratitude})
Over the years I have had the privilege to work alongside truly amazing artists and made friends with clients that are some of the most amazing people this world has to offer. Every tattoo is my next greatest challenge, and if it is not, I will find a way to make it so. Tattooing has opened the floodgates and allowed me to be my most expressive, intuitive, artistic and creative self. The only question left is - will you allow me the same?
My career as a tattoo artist started in 2015.
Ps: Art isn’t something you do, it is something you are…
THE END (pending {x_x})