True Blue Tattoo Studio Celebrates 10 Years

How To Build a Tattoo Legacy True Blue Professional Tattoo Studio Celebrates 10 Years   When True Blue Tattoo Studio opened its doors in 2013, the world was a different place. It was a time before COVID, when load shedding meant the day off, and dating actually required in-person attendance. In 2023, True Blue celebrates…

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Skin Care & Tattoos: True Blue’s Pre-Care Guide

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend the first four sharpening my axe”   Now I can guarantee you that old Honest Abe wasn’t talking about preparing yourself for a day in the chair with your friendly neighbourhood tattoo artist, but he sure did hit the nail on the head.…

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Be Yourself. Be True Blue.

  Be Yourself, Be True Blue   To be yourself, To be True Blue, It all starts with a line. A line that connects us all, across borders, cultures, religions and professions. Steeped in history, it links us to the past when the ink was used as an amulet to safeguard its bearer, to express…

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Think Before You Ink

[Edited: October 06, 2023] 7 Essential Pro Advice Tips Before Getting a Tattoo “Think before you act”. “Think before you buy that”. “Think before you drink”. These pearls of wisdom have been with us since childhood. Parents, teachers, friends. Anyone with our best interests at heart has always reminded us to use our brains before…

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A Guide To Becoming A Badass Tattoo Artist

Become a Tattoo Artist

[Edited: July 07, 2023] Figuring out how to become a tattoo artist is no easy task. Truth be told, when it comes to making your mark (yeah, that’s a pun) in the tattoo industry, the ability to draw or sketch well accounts for about 1% of what it takes to become an artist who is…

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A Fad Ain’t Always So Bad

Show of hands – who remembers how popular Chinese symbol tattoos were, or those ‘wicked’ tribal tattoos that were all the rage in the 90s and Naughties? If you weren’t around for ‘KTV Power Edition’ and the era before cell phones came along, then you’re probably too young to know about those types of tattoos…

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Tattoo Story: For the love of tattoos

Whether it’s in memory of a loved one, an expression of creativity or an attempt to cover up a drunken mistake, there are tons of reasons why people choose to get tattoos. There are even ‘tattoo collectors’, who collect tattoos like art and turn their bodies into a kind of art gallery that lives on…

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Why we do it?

Why do we do it? The intentions for getting tattoos can be many, but they all have a communal connotation. A tattoo can mark a group identity like sailors, soldiers, inmates, gangs, motorcyclists and hipsters. It can memorialize a person or event. Sometimes they happen by pure peer pressure like a couple of twenty-somethings on…

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Give’em the Finger

Give’em the Finger

There has been an influx!! An irritating incursion of trendy little hipsters who has the world by their fingertips and now in their infinite wisdom, would like it permanently tattooed or their scrawny little digits too. Now, I’m not here to tell you that it’s wrong, and in no way is this an expression of…

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Nine Pounds of Imagination

Nine Pounds of Imagination

The dominant Instagram post or a Pinterest pin. We seem to have traded our imagination for easily accessible ideas or, should I rather say, trends. In the tattooing world, we have what is colloquially referred to as “Nine-Pounders.” There are various varieties of these trending (but loathed) tattoos, ranging from a heartbeat to anything that…

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